Baby Name Christy meaning and Astrology


baby names > Christy


Baby Name : Christy
Gender : Girl
Origin : English
Christy Meaning: Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
Variant: no variations
Number : 1
Moon Sign (Rashi) : Pisces (Meen)
Star (Nakshtra) : Krittika

baby Christy Name Christy is combinations of , one occurrence of C , one occurrence of H , one occurrence of I , one occurrence of R , one occurrence of S , one occurrence of T and one occurrence of Y has a lots of significance in Astrology.
In Indian Astrology, the persons with name Christy will be reason of inner strength. These persons are full of talents. Their multi-talented nature will help them to reach at the pick of their career. Any career path will be suitable for them. They are very much positive in their decision and their firm decision-making capability helps them to grow in their lives. They love to live their lives in their own terms and conditions. It will make their lives more flourishing and sparkling and interesting as well. Honesty is another precious inner quality of these persons with this name. They will be able to make their fortune more fortunate through the help of their honesty. They are very much malice and energetic with positive power in their working fields. They are also very romantic by their nature too. They love to be passionate with their loving partners. But they may lose their love due to outside circumstances. They are also very loving and affectionate kids of their parents. Their supportive and co-operative office mates will help them to grow in their career.


Name Christy or (no variations) means Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ..
Person with name Christy are with great bliss. People having this name are peaceful and pleasure loving. However bad any circumstance may be these people have a unique quality to turn every bad into positive. These natives are born with leading personalities. If their profession requires them to lead, it will be a great opportunity for them. Because of the influence of this name people are compelled to make big sacrifices in life. It may be for their parents or their loved ones. This name enables people to make the best of their lives with the application of their acquired knowledge. They can take part in charity as their hearts ache for distressed population. The only negative aspect of these persons is that they cannot check their anger. In order to carry on in their lives they must bridle their hot temper. These natives have a business-oriented mentality. This helps them to get higher in industrial career. Choosing friends carefully will be a prudent step for them.

The natives with name Christy are likely to be very clear vision as far as their life opinions are concerned. They are honest too in their dealings. They are very free- minded lying bare their mind and have no hesitation to do so. The extreme straight cut way they adopt may hurt others sometimes. However, these people are not bothered about that. Natives of this name have a rigid determination. People who fall under this section show qualities of bravery. A very noteworthy feature of these persons is the thing, which they have a towering confidence, which helps them to succeed in their ways. A dominating tendency is to see very commonly in these natives. They enjoy subordinating others. These people are of a materialistic mind. People of name Christy are very proud about their own personality and achievements. An inherent leading personality is bliss for these persons. They are likely to ascend a long ladder of success. Yet, they are not grateful and will not pay back due gratefulness to people who helped them. Impulsion is the word for them. These natives have a wonderful coupling capacity with the people of the opposite gender. They can be a great friend of opposite gender, and the other way round.

Name Christy with the meaning for each letter (C, H, R, I, S, T, Y)

CYou are extra dramatic. You are positive thinker. You seek for knowledge of various areas. You are good entrepreneur.
HYou are self centered personality. You are very intelligent. You are born talented. You possess excellent hand writing.
RYou are honest. You are good human being. You are helpful towards needy and distressed people. You are intelligent.
IYou have sharp features. Not so much dedicated towards your studies. You are good home maker. You have expertise at cooking.
SYou are hard worker. You are dedicated. You are true poet. You are sea lovers. Sometimes you are selfish.
TYou are patriotic by heart. You are born leader. You are dedicated. You are good human being. You are foody.
YYou are focused to your dreams. You love travelling. You are intelligent. You are self centered.

The persons’ names with Christy are self-centered. They love to be alone in their life. They don't want any kind of criticism from anybody. They always dream big and they know how to achieve them. But due to their self centered personality they may suffer from various types of problems in their life. People don't like them and they don't get support from others. They are creative by nature. They have artistic power and they are deep thinker. They love to spend their leisure time through drawing and singing. They love to travel alone. They want to escape from the entire universe just to seek for their mental peace. They have some unique ideas and through this they can able to achieve their successful career. They are very much emotional and sentimental by nature. They practice religious and spiritual things on daily basis. They are ethical by nature. They are full intelligence to make a work successful.

According to Indian astrology the person name start with Christy are very humorous by nature. They love to spend their time through various types of creative activities. They love to do painting, dancing, singing and many more stuffs like this. They are genuinely creative by their heart. Apart from that they have every quality to be a good leader. They can able to lead any kind of organizations, team, or even a party. They are very charming by nature. They love to spend their time with their friends. They are fond of making many friends throughout their life. So this is highly recommended to be selective when you are choosing your partner or your friends, otherwise there is a possibility you may be harmed by them at anytime. Don't believe people blindly. Before you take any kind of decision think twice. They have a good soul and a good heart. They are very emotional by nature and they love to take their decisions by heart. So there is a possibility that their decision sometimes may be wrong and that may lose something from their life. They have the opportunities to be a successful and good political leader. They have very good presence of mind that's why they are able to take any kind of decision instantly and this will help them to be a good leader in future. They are very focused to their work and career. They can go to any extent and can do anything to achieve their success in terms of career.


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